
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mori Girl Hairstyle

Just recently I noticed about mori girl style that swarming in Japan. My, I'm being so late! I find it cute on some way. and of course, vintage! I personally think that, mori style is being majorized by 'vintage' and mostly 'lace'. Not only that, I noticed that almost all mori girls I saw on google has their hair curled, or waved.

I would say this mori style is like a fairy style, perhaps? they look like a fairy or forest nymph wandering around =) the one thing for sure, I've never seen a mori girl with black hair, have you?


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  3. There are black haired mori girls! ^-^ (link) I think most hair colors go well with mori style.
    However, I prefer the more toned-down, less "lace-and-frills" style of mori, like Syrups models. They also have different hairstyles, straight and in buns rather than wavy...
